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The "New Normal" A Message from our Founder
As one of the first states in the U.S. to respond with swift action to flatten the curve of the novel coronavirus, Marin and its KIDS were also some of the first in the nation to begin a major shift in their daily routines as families were required to shelter-in-place. For many children with special needs, this drastic change was a tremendous hurdle to overcome. Now, with on-campus learning finally on the horizon, we look forward to returning to school.
While the novel coronavirus was being established as a pandemic, the team at Go Happy was exploring different ways to increase the level of sanitation and safety when classes returned to a “new normal”. We recognize the challenges both parents and teachers have ahead of them to get kids back into their daily routines and we are here to help.
It is the commitment of everyone at Go Happy to remain flexible during these times, adjust our protocols as required, communicate and follow the guidelines as set by our healthcare officials and work with each child, their parents, and education specialists to provide a safe journey each time they get into a Happy Cab.
Now after a year of driving with these new standards are a great way now and into the future to ensure safety for our riders. Everyone at Go Happy Cab has learned that these protocols are something we will adhere to even when the mandates are lifted.
With the protocols in place to provide the safest rides in Marin County during COVID-19, GO HAPPY CAB aims to protect both our passengers and their drivers, setting a new standard of safety in transportation and taking on the challenges of the "New Normal".
With Gratitude,
Cathey Cotten and your drivers at Go Happy Cab
Cathey Cotten
Go Happy Cab CEO
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